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Monday, January 22, 2007

-Dance, baby, dance!-

Singapore has been bitten by the dance bug. and so have I...

After watching the superb finale of So You Think You Can Dance 2, (Wade robson's choreography for sexy back is just awesome!) it's non-stop dance-related shows for me. Step up (Best Dance Movie ever - this is what a movie about dance should be like), Take the Lead (Yuck! but Jenna Dewan is so sexy), A Time for Dancing (I was wondering what happened to Larisa Oleynik after Alex Mack), DanceFloor and Loads of Wade Robson Project's clips from You Tube...

Dancing is a great thing. Everybody should dance. Even if you don't know how or have any place to do it. Dancing has its many advantageous. For one, dancing constitute of physical exertions which in turn releases endorphins. Endorphin, as we all know, is happiness in chemical form.

Also, dancing burns calories. Lose Fat and produces endorphin. Double Happiness...

Practising how to dance also practices your coordination and all that such. So, dance to develop a sense of coordination.

Aiyah! Just dance lah!

| ghaz says hello @ 6:25 PM|


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


There was once a very bad man. And he did very bad things. He preyed on small innocent boys and girls. He caught them unaware. And he hurt them... It hurts me to think about it, to remember it... but I know that it must be said.

I was just a tiny impressionable boy then. But what happened that day, I can never forget.

I remember we were forced to a room. A bad lady (obviously, she was helping the bad man) marched us down the hall leading to the room. We were made to march in silence, our right index finger pressed to our lips. In my heart, I object to this blatant symbol of oppresion. But I was too weak then.
The room was small. I could hardly breathe. We were made to squeezed into it without protest. All 30 of us. They put bar codes on us. Our names, our identities do not matter to them. Just those bar codes. One by one, we were made to go up to the bad man. I waited obediently, while I prayed to God for protection.

And then someone pushed me forward and the bad man grabbed me. He pointed an evil-looking device, which emits evil red rays, on my body where the bar code was involuntarily pasted. It emitted an evil beeping sound. He made me sit on this evil-looking chair. I felt like a goat to be sacrificed. He forced me to look at him. I refused. He came to me and forced my head to look at where he was sitting. Where he once sat, was another device. This one bigger and more evil-looking than the one before. He then barked something at me, which i could not remember. But his voice was menacing. I gave in and obeyed his commands. I look front. I told myself, this is the moment where I pretend I am not a little boy any more. I will not let them see my fear.

It happened in a flash.

I stifled a scream. They have made me blind. But my vision came back after a while. I thank God for that. And just like that, the bad man pushed me away so that he can do the same to my other innocent little friends. I walked out of the room, promising never to speak of the violation ever again.

A few weeks had passed. I thought everything was going back to normal. That was when they showed me the picture. It was hideous...

My forehead was swollen. My cheek was swollen. And my lips looked like they were forcibly stretched. I hid it and vowed to myself to never show it to anyone. But I could not let the bad man get away with it. I searched for a higher authority and made a legal complaint. I showed them the evidence, the hideous picture of me. They laughed.
This is the bad man's plan all along. To humiliate me. I could never ever forgive him.

I HATE you EZ-link card photo taker!!!!!!


A few years pass. I am a man now. And now I was given a horrible task. The same task as the bad man. I thought I could never do it. But I had to.

As the kids diligently queued up for their photos to be taken. I looked at their young, innocent faces and I remembered when I was once just like them. I smiled at them. But memories of the bad man keeps flashing back. It's almost as if his spirit is trying to possess me, making me do the same thing that he once did to me. But I could never be like the bad man.

I gave those tiny kids photos they could be proud of.

| ghaz says hello @ 12:35 AM|


Monday, January 01, 2007

-New Year resolution... whatever-

New year is here. Another year gone.
I was thinking about the concept of resolutions. I mean, it is a good idea to set yourself goals and planning for the future and all that shit. But based on my own meandering experiences, resolutions are just to make you feel hopeful for that one day.

but i need to feel hopeful right now.
so here goes:

I hope that for this new year and for the years to come, I can prove to be a worthy person.

For those who have known me, I would like to say sorry for every wrongdoings that I have done. I am sorry for any words that came out of this mouth that hurts. I am sorry for any future hurt that I might cause. I can be an idiot at times and I know that I may not be wise with the things that I say... But know this. There is nothing in the world that matter to me more than friendship. If I have made you my friend, i will do my best to honour and treasure that relationship. If in anyway, I have dishonour it, please let me know... I can be very clueless at times (I know, dun u just wanna slap me?)

please tell me about my flaws because I do not want to hurt anybody. also, i do not want to get hurt. so that is my resolution... I hope to hurt nobody.

| ghaz says hello @ 10:53 PM|
